Profiles of Lawyer Dou Yonggang 窦雍岗律师简介 二维码
Mr. Dou Yonggang was providing legal consulting services for domestic and foreign merchants at the 135th China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair)
Dou Yonggang, Attorney-at-law Practicing Institution: The Attorneys of Talmud & Co. Specializing in:Laws on International Trades, Cross-border Investments, Contracts and Companies Working Languages: English, Chinese
Office Address: Room 1410, Dongbao Building, No. 767 Dongfeng East Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, PRC Contact Phone: +86 20 37639786, +86 20 37639785 Website:https://www.atc86.com E-mail:d.p.hill@126.com
Social Positions: "National Foreign-related Lawyers Talent" by the Ministry of Justice of the People's Republic of China "Foreign-related Lawyers Leading Talent" in Guangdong Province and Guangzhou City Arbitrator of the Guangzhou Arbitration Commission Arbitrator of the World Arbitration Centre Arbitrator of the Central Asia Court of International Arbitration Arbitrator of the International Court of Arbitration in affliation with the Chamber of Commerece and Industy of the Kyrgyx Republic Arbitrator of the Ganjiang New District International Arbitration Court Member of the Criminal Law Professional Committee of the Guangdong Lawyers Association Vice Chairman of the Guangdong Real Estate Research Association Expert Member of the Guangzhou Minors Protection Committee Columnist for Sina's "Legal Thinking "
Key Cases/Projects: Acquisition of the former Soviet Union's largest cable factory and other major foreign-related projects, foreign-related litigation cases, international arbitration cases, major criminal cases supervised by the Ministry of Public Security of the People's Republic of China, major criminal cases reported continuously by media such as CCTV, several typical judicial precedents of insurance contract disputes, and several complex and difficult cases involving disputes over implicit agency contracts, etc.
窦雍岗 律师
执业机构:广东保典律师事务所 任职/身份:律师、合伙人、主任 专长:刑事、涉外、合同 工作语言:中文、英文
办公地址:广东省 广州市 越秀区 东风东路767号 东宝大厦1410 联系电话:+86 20 37639786 37639785 网址:https://www.atc86.com 邮箱:d.p.hill@126.com
司法部“全国千名涉外律师人才” 广东省“涉外律师领军人才” 广州市“涉外律师领军人才” 第135届中国进出口商品交易会(广交会)驻会涉外律师 广东省律师协会涉外法律服务讲师团讲师 广东省律师协会刑事法律专业委员会委员 广东省房地产研究会副会长、高级研究员 广州市未成年人保护委员会专家委员 共青团广州市委、广州市未成年人保护委员会“重点个案杰出伴行者” 世界仲裁中心仲裁员 中亚国际仲裁法院仲裁员 吉尔吉斯共和国工商联合会国际仲裁法庭仲裁员 赣江新区国际仲裁院仲裁员 第五届广州仲裁委员会仲裁员 第八届广州市律师协会保险法律专业委员会委员 第十六届亚运会(2010年广州亚运会)保险方案审核人 新浪《法问》专栏作家
图片来源/广州市律师协会 审核/广东保典律师事务所